Monday, February 10, 2025

Do You Have A Personal Relationship With Jesus Christ


Have you ever been asked if you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ ?
Maybe I should start off with a little bit about my journey. I am a cradle Catholic, was Baptized in the Catholic Church, Have received all the Holy Sacraments and went to Catholic Middle School. When I was in my early teens , I got busy with High School and working and didn't attend Catholic Mass very often. I never stopped believing in the Catholic Church. I guess you could say I was just a child and thought as a child.
  Now when I was about 23 years old, I met my wife. I loved being with her while we were dating. She was going to a full gospel church with her family. I went with her a few times and thought the church was okay. At the time I did not know very much about the Born Again churches or faiths. Well I proposed to my wife and we were married in the church, which was bethel  full gospel. We spent a few years there and then I noticed that people were saying things about the Catholic Church. Some were Lies and others were just misinformation. 
  One day someone asked me if I asked Jesus to be my personal savior, so I could be  saved. Yes there was an altar call, even though they never had an alter. I went down there, but not to say the I accept you Jesus as my personal savior. I went down to ask for more  understanding of scripture. You see I knew I already had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ when I received the Holy Eucharist in the Holy Catholic Church.
  One day a thought came into my head about my mother. I thought she was going to hell, because she had never accepted Jesus as her personal savior. The Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and I knew it was wrong. I knew my mother had always believed in Jesus Christ and that he died on the and rose again to save us all. I knew that it was time to leave that church, so I spoke to my wife.  We both decided to leave that church and looked for a church that we were both comfortable in. After going to many different churches, we ended up in the Lutheran church. 
  We spent quite a few years while our three children were young. One day the Pastor spoke about communion and said it was just a symbol. Well the Holy Spirit spoke to me again and I knew it was time to leave the Lutheran church. I did not know what was the true church. I did not want the influence of any one church or faith, so I decided to search through history. I had a book from a born again friend when I was in my born again days. It was called the History Of Religion.
  I read and studied about the Early Church Fathers, who they were and what they were doing. I found that some of them were directly associated with the Apostles. So I knew they were doing what Jesus Christ had taught. I kept finding that all roads so to speak were leading to the Catholic Church.
 One night I was flipping channels on cable tv and I came across the EWTN Catholic channel. A show was on called the Journey Home.  The show was about a man named Scott Hahn and why he decided to become Catholic. His reason was mainly about the Holy Eucharist. As I listened he he explained how it really was the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ. I knew right then that I had to come back to the Catholic Church.
  I spoke to my wife and explained everything.  She spoke to the pastor and he explained that our children could not go to both churches as it would confuse them. My wife prayed about it and she decided to become Catholic and all our children became Catholic. I will never leave the Holy Catholic Church again.
The day I received The Holy Eucharist, was the day that I had the Most Personal Relationship With Jesus Christ That I or anyone could ever have.
Here is a link to some reading that you should do,
Here is another link to some awesome books on the Catholic Holy Eucharist.

    Here are some links to some excellent books by Scott Hahn:

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 As An Amazon Affiliate, I earn a commission on every qualified purchase that was made.

Thank You (Admin)

Thursday, November 21, 2024

What I Learned About The 2024 Election For President Of The United States

 What I learned is that at least 49% of the people in the united states are either Stupid or Blinded By Satan.

  I sat there day after day and watched CNN and was sickened by what I saw and listened to. You would see the various shows where they had a few people that supported Kamala Harris and then a few Republicans that supported Donald Trump. I found that the people that supported Kamala Harris always spoke the truth. Now the republicans did nothing but spew out the same lies that Trump was spewing out at his ridiculous rallies.

  Now I kept hearing the same people say that Harris needed to say more about her policies. As I listened the Kamala Harris, I heard her speak about her policies. As time went on she added to her policies, spoke to people and explained what she wanted to do for the people. Trump on the other hand did nothing but say ridiculous garbage. The people there ate his garbage up and loved it as if they were in some kind of a cult.

  I would watch the rallies for Kamala Harris and they were huge and full of  of awesome energy. Then I would watch Trumps rallies and yes there were quite a few people and they would clap at his lies and bullying wordage towards Kamala Harris. I kept hearing people say they wanted to vote for him due to his policies. I kept thinking to myself, what policies.

 Now the election is over and Trump won by a narrow margin. The funny part is that it was about 5 points in all the states that Kamala Harris needed to win. Yes I have heard all the different conspiracy theories coming out about how Trump cheated to win. I find that actually very reasonable due to the fact that he had to win to save himself from going to prison.

  I did see a video on youtube where a professor from 4 years ago explain how the various voting machines could be rigged to win by using a virus installed by a memory card in the memory slot on the machine. He even proved it by using a voting machine that was the same, that he bought off the internet. He even explained that there are some machines in various places that are connected to the internet. Isn't it funny that Trumps buddy Elon Musk is a computer guy. Why were there so many bomb threats in those states. People had to evacuate and other people just left. I have also heard about people being threatened if they voted for Harris. I have also heard about people checking on their ballot votes only to be told that they were missing or something went wrong and they were never counted.

 I have not seen anybody challenge the results and I wonder why?