Once again or should I say every day when I look at facebook or twitter all I see are messages about the rapture of the church. No not the Catholic Church. It seems to be more of the fundamentalist group of Christians. When someones makes a statement about the Catholic Church they usually will say oh those Catholics don't believe in the Rapture. On the contrary we Catholics do believe in the Rapture, but it's not on the same time frame as others. As I have said in other posts there are generally three groups of Rapture Believers. Summing them up it seems as the beginning, middle and end. Frankly as for myself if it happens at the beginning or middle it won't upset me. I believe that all Christians will be Caught Up In The Rapture at some point in time.

I know that most groups of Christians don't believe that Catholics are Christians and that we won't be saved. Why? Because we don't stand in front of a crowd and say that we Accept Christ As Our Personal Savior. Well we may not say that little prayer that others do, but we have an even deeper and more personal way of accepting Jesus Christ in a personal relationship. That relationship is through the
partaking of the Eucharist in front of a group of people.