Sunday, February 7, 2021

Which Church Is The True Church Started By Jesus Christ ?




I was brought up Catholic, Married in the Pentecostal Church, Left and ended up in the Lutheran Church for quite a few years as are children were young, then left due to issues with communion. I went on my journey and studied the religion of history. I did not want to be influenced by any denomination. Well after searching I ended up coming back to the Catholic Church as I realized that it is the only Church started by Jesus Christ or by God.

 I studied the Early Church Fathers and learned that some of them were directly associated with some of the Apostles. The Apostles were taught by Christ and they were teaching the Early Church Fathers. I found that the only Church following these teachings was the Catholic Church. I knew that I had to come back to the Catholic Church.

 I happened to watch EWTN and the show was the Journey Home. The guest was Scott Hahn and he was talking about his conversion and about the Holy Eucharist. After listening to him I definitely knew I had to come back. I spoke to my wife and told her she had to make her own choice. Through much prayer, she decided to become Catholic and all our children became Catholic.

 Many people, including my younger brother are always trying to convert me back to the Pentecostal Church. Now that I have found the true Church, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will never go back. A friend of mine, who does not believe in religion made a comment that Religion = No Peace. He said he has read the Bible, Torah and  the Quran. 

 I explained to him that there is a problem with people self interpreting the Holy Bible. I told him how there are many different denominations making claims that the Holy Spirit told them something and then another denomination says it told them something else. Now you have numerous answers from the Holy Spirit about the same subject.

 I explained to him that this can not happen, because it would indicate that either the Holy Spirit is lying or does not know what he is talking about. We know that this can't happen, because the Holy Spirit is the mouthpiece for God. Therefore, there can only be one true Church and the others are all false or spreading lies or misinformation.

 It all comes down to the fact that the Catholic Church is the only True Church started by God, which is Jesus Christ.