Monday, February 12, 2024

Biden Or Trump - Good Or Evil - You Pick


 In my life time as a Catholic, I have seen the side of Good and the side of Evil. As I watch CNN and Fox News, I can't believe all the lies and misinformation that is spread. Yes Biden may be a few years older than Trump, but he is following the truth. Trump on the other hand does nothing but spread constant lies. I can't believe how is always bad mouthing someone. He says horrible things about the other candidates.

 As I listen to the news I hear the news person interview various individuals that support Trump. I heard one woman say Trump was appointed by God to be president. Do you seriously think that God would put someone like him in charge. I remember in the previous election, various fundamentalists hovering around him and calling him messiah. Remember what it says in scripture. " Even Satan Can Appear As An Angel Of The Light" . 

 Now we are seeing Biden and Niki Haley start to fire their guns off at Trump. They are starting to point out all his lies and disgusting things he says about them. I see some of the Trump Rallies and the people are surrounding him like a bunch of blind sheep. It seems to me that this can only be the control of Satan, the father of lies. 

 I pray that God opens the blind eyes and they finally see the truth.  Click My Affiliate Link For -

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