This Blog is about my Faith Journey And The Catholic Church .
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
What Does It Mean To Be A Catholic Revert
When I first heard the term Catholic Revert I did not know exactly what that was. Well after listening to the Journey Home on EWTN I realized I am a Catholic revert. A revert is basically a person that was brought up in the Catholic Church, left for some reason and then came back to the Catholic Church. Yes that is basically what I did. I never decided that I did not like the Catholic Church. I basically was about 18 years old and acted like a child. I was being busy with going to work and to college. I think I just was not making the time I should have to go to Mass. When I was in my early twenties I met my wife while going to college. I proposed to her and we were married in 1984 in the pentecostal church. She was going to a pentecostal church at the time. I went with her to see what this church was like, never knowing anything about the pentecostal church. It was not a bad experience by any means. The people were very nice and the preaching was very interesting. We spent a few years there and I became closer to Jesus and read the bible more often. There did come a point when I realized I was judging everyone and everything. I made a choice when I judged my own mother. I stepped back and reviewed my life, what I believed in before and what my mother believed in about Jesus. I knew what I was doing was wrong in my Heart and Soul. We left the pentecostal church and started looking for a different church.
Well my journey or I should say our journey took us to a variety of different churches. We went to Baptist Churches, Methodist Churches and quite a few others. We ended up lastly going to a Lutheran Church. We found that we felt comfortable there and loved the Parish, Pastor and all the people. It felt really nice, because it seemed to have similarities with the Catholic Church and the Methodist Church. We spent quite a few years there and all our three children were born, baptized and went to Sunday School there. There did come a time when the Pastor was speaking about the Eucharist and something was wrong when he said it was just a symbol.
Well I did a lot of searching to find out about the Eucharist. I was collecting various books written by Catholics as well as other religious authors. I read a book called 30 years with Christ and what the person said about so many different churches saying the Holy Spirit said this about some subject and something else about the same subject. I figured someone has to be right and others are wrong. If the Holy Spirit was telling different churches different things about the same subject I new something was wrong. We all know the Holy Spirit does not lie and we all know the Holy Spirit can not be confused, because it only says what God tells the Holy Spirit to say. One night I was questing what to do and did not know which way to go. I sat down and just started praying. I asked God to direct me in the right path. I turned on the cable TV and happened to watch the EWTN Catholic channel. The program that was on was called the Journey Home with Marcus Grodi. The topic on the show that night was about a person coming back to the Catholic Church, because of their belief in the Eucharist. Yes it was almost exactly what I was questioning and going through. I decided to study religion through history to see who was doing what and where did it lead me. I ended up coming back to the Catholic Church. I learned about the Early Church Fathers. I found that some were directly associated the Apostles. I knew that they would be doing what Jesus taught them.
Well I realized that the only church doing what Jesus taught was the Catholic Church. At that point I came to a realization that I knew what I was supposed to do. I believe in my Heart and Soul that God was showing me the direction I had to go. I decided that I had to go back to the Catholic Church. Yes I became a revert and have never left the Catholic Church again. My wife decided to become Catholic and all my children became Catholic. If anyone is looking for books on this type of subject I would read books by Marcus Grodi, Jeff Cavins and Scott Hahn. Just make sure what you read is written by Catholics. Yes I guess you could say that I made the Journey Home. I do have an earlier post on this subject, but I never get tired of telling it. I hope and pray that other people will find the way home also.
Thank You for reading and God Bless.
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