Sunday, August 14, 2016

Pray For One Another And Keep Praying

 As I check facebook every day I see all my friends and a multitude of people that are asking for everyone to pray for them. I try to make it a point to always say a little prayer. I will pray for anyone no matter what it is. I believe we all started with Adam and Eve, so basically we are all related. We are all children of God Our Father and we need to give him the proper respect and love he deserves. WE should also carry that respect and love to our family and friends as well as people that we do not even know.
                                          LOURDES MESSAGE

The Virgin Mary spoke spoke very little to Bernadette during the apparitions, but her words conveyed innumerable teachings. The immaculate Conception prayed with Bernadette and taught her to pray. The Immaculate Conception spoke six times to Bernadette leaving the spiritual message of Lourdes to the church and the pilgrims, Bernadette was simply a witness and a faithful messenger, so for this reason no one needs to understand the profound meaning of this message, so that Lourdes can be perceived in all greatness.


The apparitions began with a prayer and continued with a prayer. Prayers should not consists of selfish personal desires. At Lourdes one experience, God the father of love, gives and forgives, weather worthy or not. Prayers should be about praise, gratitude, trust and joy suffering, serenity, solitude health and illness just like the Lourdes Prayer.

God bestows strength and hope


During the 3rd apparition the Immaculate Conception said "I can not promise you happiness in this world only in the next" The famous worlds of the gospel"he who wishes to be my disciple, let him take up the cross and follow me"

The Immaculate Conception tells Bernadette that true happiness cannot be found externally, but only within intimate spirit. Honesty, accepting responsibility, goodness and generosity lead to happiness.

Saint Bernadette said "I am happier on my bed of pain than a queen on her thrown" " To obey is to love, suffering in silence for Christ is joy, to love sincerely is to give everything, above all suffering"

Penitence, Conversion, Purification

Penitence,Penitence,Penitence was addressed when the Virgin Mary spoke to Bernadette, this was not a new word used, as Jesus, used this word during his preaching "if you don't repent you will die in the same way" The Virgin Mary reminds us of this, during the apparition.

When visiting the domain you are encouraged to make changes to your interior life. The Virgin Mary adds "Pray to God for sinners" this is a wonderful message to remember when you make pilgrim to Lourdes or in everyday life.

Pope Benedict XVI message in Lourdes

Pope Benedict XVI in Lourdes, he started his pilgrimage on the 12th of September and celebrates the Lourdes Jubilee along with over 200,000 pilgrims over a 3 day period. Pope Benedict XVI remembered and prayed for countless numbers of people were are victims of poverty and terrorism, he announced and granted the Plenary Indulgence to the pilgrims who visited Lourdes or those who are Venerated (if you have a crucifix at home out of personal devotion, you kiss it, then you have been venerated). 

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