Tuesday, December 24, 2019

What Will The Catholic Church Be Like In The Next 50 Years ?

 Many people constantly criticize the Catholic Church mainly , because they do not understand what we do as Catholics. The biggest problem is the lies that get spread by the Catholic Bashers. They have been around for a long time and they do everything in their power to destroy the Catholic Church. Well I am sorry to say that they will never accomplish this. I guess that have never read in scripture that the gates of hell will never prevail.
 The Catholic Church has changed in quite a few different ways since I went to Mass back in the 60s and 70s. I spent some time going to a Pentecostal Church in the early 80s where my wife and I were married. We left that church by the power of the Holy Spirit, when he woke me up due to the constant judging of everyone and everything. I judged my own mother and that was when I realized something was wrong. We ended up in the Lutheran Church for quite a few years and the Holy Spirit woke me up again. It centered around the Holy Eucharist and my journey finally brought me back to the Catholic Church and I am home.
 Coming back to the Catholic Church was quite a shock. Gone were the days of the holiness that I once remembered. The church now seems to have a brighter look and that sanctity is there, but just not the same. I see people holding hands during the Our Father and raising their hands just like the priest. They even seem to have a small band going on to the left or right of the altar. Some even had the drop down screen over the altar with the bouncing ball so you can follow along with the music.
 All these things have been brought into the Catholic Church by Protestants that could not leave all their ways behind. They do not realize that they can not make up the rules as they go along. The problem I see is that the Priest does not say anything or explain to the congregation why they are not supposed to do these things. Maybe these are just more signs that the end of the world is near. So will the Church be the same or worse in the next 50 years ? I have a feeling at some point good priests will come along and straighten out the people. They may lose people and in the process lose money, but will be better off in the long run.

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