I have been watching the ever since the Coronavirus started and it is very scary. I have seen many different things that we can do like cleaning our hands to remove any germs. I see people wearing the face masks. The problem with this is that your eyes are not protected and the germ can easily enter there. All I see is pictures of the people in China wearing the masks. Well one Doctor made the point that the wrong people are wearing the masks. He was right, the people who are sick and coughing should be wearing the masks.
So what are we to do at this time. My feeling is yes we can protect ourselves by cleaning our hands for 20 seconds with soap. We can also use the Hand Sanitizer. I feel that most important is that we pray to God. It is time that we all got on our knees and call out to God for help. I just wonder if this is really the Devil, Satan running loose in the world to create fear and kill as many people as possible.
I recently read about the 3 days of darkness and what to do to protect yourselves. I just wonder if this is a precursor to that horrible event that is coming. So I think we need to all come together in this world as the children of God and call out to our Father in Heaven. He has always heard the cries of his children in the past and I am certain he will hear them today. Pray a prayer, pray the rosary and pray to a Saint. Ask your favorite Saint to pray for you and everyone in the world.
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