Friday, June 28, 2024

The First Debate Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump 2024



  I was watching CNN before the debate started and they were making all these statements as to what Biden should say. They were all saying how he should be saying what he will do for the country. They were also saying how he should talk about Trump being a convicted felon. Well the time came for the debate and the two of them appeared on the stage.

 As I listened to them it was clear that Biden was not feeling too well. He kept coughing and was having what sounded like a dry throat. I wondered why there was no water at their podiums.  I also noticed that the majority of questions did not give Biden the opportunity to say what he would do for the country. They were mostly all subjects currently in the news and others that have been around in the past few years. It was ridiculous for a debate, even for CNN.

 I found that when a question was put to President Biden, he answered it. Yes he may have stumbled a few times due to his stuttering problem .  Now the other issue was that Trump would not answer any question. He would avoid the question and then try to attack Biden. I have a feeling that this was getting to Biden and that is why he had some trouble answering questions. I don't know what debate CNN was watching, but it wasn't what I saw and listened to.

 Now as for Trump not answering questions, he constantly lied throughout the debate. There were a few times that Biden got some numbers wrong. Being that situation with Trump lying constantly, I can see why anyone would have trouble. The other problem was that the two commentators didn't fact check anything that either one of them said. This basically left it up to Biden to correct Trumps lies and show exactly what kind of person Trump is.

 Then the debate was over and they quickly went back to the CNN panel of so called experts. They were all speaking very loudly  and seemed to just keep saying how Biden failed. They also said that a higher percentage of people watching the debate said Trump  won and Biden lost. Who exactly were these people they polled. I was watching the debate and nobody polled me. They did make a comment that there were a number of republicans there. I just feel that these polls do not represent the majority of people in the United States.

 Now I am listening to CNN today and they still keep bad mouthing President Biden. I tend to wonder if they are doing this, just to get ratings. Now I did see the rally at North Carolina today and Biden seemed to be his usual self. He did seem to have a little cough or dry throat once in awhile. I have put President Biden on the Prayer List at Lourdes.

 I would not count President Joe Biden out just yet, even though all I hear is CNN saying how maybe Biden should be replaced. I think Biden should get out there and do more and more rally's every where. I think he should do more town hall shows that are all live on cable tv. Basically let his voice be heard. I feel that all people should start praying for Biden, I know I am.

 All I can say is that Trump showed exactly what kind of liar he really is. Would really want a Convicted Felon, Constant Liar, Insurrectionist, Sexual Predator, Adulterer and a Person That Has No Remorse for anything he has done. I would prefer President Joe Biden because he is a Decent Honest Person Who Cares About People and not himself.       

Sunday, June 16, 2024

How Can You Vote For A Convicted Felon, Sex Offender And Adulterer For President


 I am a cradle Catholic, married in the Pentecostal church, spent quite a few years in the Lutheran church and came back to the Catholic Church. I know the difference between right and wrong  and voting for Donald Trump is just plain wrong. I see various political people trying to explain why Trump is the right choice. They make excuses and say he is younger than President Biden. That's just plain stupid, because Trump is only a few years younger than Biden. I have listened to trump and he stumbles over things he is saying, forgets things and mumbles out nonsense.

  How can you want a convicted felon as President that will represent the United States. I tell you that when Satan corrupts and blinds people, he does a good job. Then you have his disgusting adventure with a porn star, while his wife is pregnant with his child. That is just absolutely sickening and he will have to answer for that when he stands before the Lord Jesus Christ one day. Oh that's right he's a born again christian, so once saved always saved. What does he say when Christ tells him it's not in scripture. Will he use the old explanation, you understand it when you read it.

  I listen to all these political and news people say how Trump is ahead in the polls. So your telling me that there are more blind stupid people than smart people in the United States. I simply just can't buy that one. I think people are so desperate that they will take the first person that comes along and promises them anything. These people are in the political realms as well as in the world. When people are polled, it's only a number from 600 to 1000 people. That does not represent everyone in the good old USA, hey they never asked me.

  I pray to God that he wakes up the majority of people, so they can see the truth of things. You also hear trump say that he wants to be dictator for the first day. If you believe that he will do that for one day, you are nuts. This guy constantly lies about everything. He changes what he says, so that people will like him. Just pay attention to the news on CNN and you can see how he says oh I never said that and then you see previous videos and you see the truth. 

  I am sure glad that my Mother taught me right from wrong.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Trump And His Blind Sheep


  As I sit here today and I listen to the News, Family and Friends, I see all the Blind Sheep of Donald Trump. I watch the various new stations and I see all the Lies that they spread. You see that he was seen by 12 jurors and was found guilty on all 34 counts. Yes this was a jury of his peers. Now all of his blind sheep are donating all of their money to him. Some of these people have just can't answer the questions too them. They all dance around the questions and spew out all their lies.

  I listen to all the political individuals that want to become vice president. They do nothing , but avoid the questions that are put to them. They take and use the time to spread all their lies about President Joe Biden. They are trying to blame Biden for what has happened to Trump. They do this to take the camera off Biden and put it on Trump.

  The Blind Sheep are even in my own family and friends. If I post something on Facebook, they immediately come out of the woodwork and start spreading the lies of Donald Trump. So who exactly are these blind sheep of trump ? Well they are political figures, the wealthy, confused people and people in need of help. These people have called trump the messiah or Jesus Christ come back. They are so far from the truth, they will never see, until it's too late.

  Now they have a debate coming up towards the end of June between Trump and Biden. The last time they debated, it was ridiculous. Trump did nothing but spew out lies and constantly talk over Joe Biden. Back then the people saw the truth and Joe Biden became President of the United States Of America. Trump began his path to try and destroy Joe Biden, but he was not and is not successful.

  The people of the USA need to wake up and see the truth. The majority need to see how evil trump actually is. I always hear that the polls indicate that trump is ahead of Biden on the polls.  I take these polls with a grain of salt. They are only polling 600 to 1000 people at a time in a particular place. This doe not represent the whole of the United States. I can't believe that almost  half of the United States is blinded by Trumps lies and his blind followers lies.

  How could anyone in their right mind vote for someone like trump. He has raped women and has had other sexual encounters. He has had sex with a porn star and a marital sexual affair with a playboy playmate. Who knows if there are others out there. Now he is a convicted felon, so why would anyone with their right mind vote for this criminal. He has lied, cheated and stolen, so why.

  As I am listening to CNN, I hear all these trump brown nosing suck-ups spew out their lies. If you go over to Fox News, they are constantly spewing out lies and misinformation. It's time for the people to wake up and think about what Donald Trump really represents. Does he act like Jesus Christ ? Does he speak like Jesus Christ ? Is he anything like Jesus Christ ? If you say yes to any of these, you are BLIND SHEEP. 

Even Satan can appear as an Angel Of The Light.