Sunday, June 16, 2024

How Can You Vote For A Convicted Felon, Sex Offender And Adulterer For President


 I am a cradle Catholic, married in the Pentecostal church, spent quite a few years in the Lutheran church and came back to the Catholic Church. I know the difference between right and wrong  and voting for Donald Trump is just plain wrong. I see various political people trying to explain why Trump is the right choice. They make excuses and say he is younger than President Biden. That's just plain stupid, because Trump is only a few years younger than Biden. I have listened to trump and he stumbles over things he is saying, forgets things and mumbles out nonsense.

  How can you want a convicted felon as President that will represent the United States. I tell you that when Satan corrupts and blinds people, he does a good job. Then you have his disgusting adventure with a porn star, while his wife is pregnant with his child. That is just absolutely sickening and he will have to answer for that when he stands before the Lord Jesus Christ one day. Oh that's right he's a born again christian, so once saved always saved. What does he say when Christ tells him it's not in scripture. Will he use the old explanation, you understand it when you read it.

  I listen to all these political and news people say how Trump is ahead in the polls. So your telling me that there are more blind stupid people than smart people in the United States. I simply just can't buy that one. I think people are so desperate that they will take the first person that comes along and promises them anything. These people are in the political realms as well as in the world. When people are polled, it's only a number from 600 to 1000 people. That does not represent everyone in the good old USA, hey they never asked me.

  I pray to God that he wakes up the majority of people, so they can see the truth of things. You also hear trump say that he wants to be dictator for the first day. If you believe that he will do that for one day, you are nuts. This guy constantly lies about everything. He changes what he says, so that people will like him. Just pay attention to the news on CNN and you can see how he says oh I never said that and then you see previous videos and you see the truth. 

  I am sure glad that my Mother taught me right from wrong.

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