Sunday, July 21, 2024

Will You Be Raised On The Last Day



  It's that time of year when various individuals come to your door and try to convert you to their church. Some times they start out with a friendly chat and then try to invite you to their summer picnic or cookout. I had one pastor from a local church do that very thing. He started out by asking me what church I went to and I responded the Catholic Church. He then said I am not trying to convert you. He then started asking me various questions and brought up the Jesus telling Nicodemus how you must be Born Again to enter the kingdom of heaven 

 Well I looked at him and responded by telling him that Jesus actually said more than that. I told him, if you read the entire chapter and verses, you will read that Jesus told him you must be Born Of Water and Spirit from above. I said do you know what that actually is. He looked a little puzzled and I said that is Baptism.Of course he responded by saying well you Catholics Baptize Babies. I then said to him well in scripture is says that whole households were baptized and that includes Babies.

 He asked the typical things I expected him to say. I asked him if he read all of scripture and followed everything that Jesus taught. Of course he responded by saying yes I do. I said to him, do you expect to be raised on the last day and he said yes. I asked him if he has communion at his church and he said yes. I asked him if he thought it was just a symbol and he again said yes as that is what Jesus said. I looked at him and said are you sure of that. He gave me a puzzled look after that.

 I said to him if you read John Chapter 6, all of it. You will read where Jesus Said You Must Eat My Flesh and Drink My Blood. If you don't, you will not have life in you and you will not be raised on the last day. I said you will read that the Jewish crowd could not accept that and decided to leave. This left only the 12 apostles. I said to him, if Jesus only meant it as a symbol, would he not have rebuked them and told them so. 

 He then looked at me and said here are a few things for you to read. Yes these were the typical tracts I would expect. I felt like saying, I thought you were not going to try and convert me. I bit my tongue and said thank you. He said thank you for the nice talk and was on his way.


Thank You For Reading


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