Friday, October 29, 2021

No The Covid - 19 Is Not A Chastisement From God


  Many people are questioning, whether the Covid -19 and Delta Variant are Chastisements from God. I do not believe that it is a chastisement form God for one reason. That is because it is now infecting children and over 700 children have died from covid-19. We know that Jesus said if anyone harms a little one, it would be better that a millstone be hung around their neck and they be thrown into the lake of fire.

  So this being the case it would go against what Jesus said and he would never harm a child. So then we have to ask, who is responsible for this horrible catastrophe ?   Well it is probably due to the society we live in. Sicknesses and Diseases have been around for a long time. There are suggestions that it was created by man and leaked out by accident. The other idea is that it was created and spread on purpose.

  It will come out in the course of time as to how it actually came into being. So what we need to do as children of God is to be responsible and get vaccinated. I believe the knowledge of creating a vaccine is a gift from God. Some people will not take the vaccine, because they believe it is made from aborted fetuses. I found that these vaccines have been developed going back years. Yes there has been the use of aborted fetuses, but that was from the 60s.

  I think what we should do is pray for those aborted babies and thank them from for the gift they have provided.