Saturday, July 6, 2019

Do You Drink The Wine At Catholic Your Catholic Mass ?

 I choose not to drink the precious blood of Christ from the cup, because too many sick people come to Mass and drink from it before me. I can not understand why the people who are sick come to Mass and want to shake your hand, hold your hand during the Our Father or just plain get in your face. As for myself I try to avoid the sick people every time I go to Mass.
 I do not understand why the people who are sick do not understand that it is not a Mortal Sin to miss Mass and stay home when they are sick. I will tell you I find it very difficult to concentrate at Mass when some one is coughing, blowing their nose or sneezing. When I was sick I stayed home, so I would not infect others and new it was not a Mortal Sin. Do you really think that God does not unstand your situation. I believe he is a loving Father and understands more than you will ever know.
 I tend to not want to go to Mass, because I do not want to get sick. If I do and I miss going to my work, then I am in trouble there. So I believe that the Church and the individual Priests should be explaining to the congregation that they should stay home when sick and that it is not a Mortal Sin. If you are that sick you need to stay home and recover from whatever illness you have. I even see this going on where I work too. Workers are afraid to stay home when sick for being ridiculed for being sick. One worker is sick with the flu and certain people say oh he should come in and work. What would they do if they ended up sick with the flu and ended up on their death bed, because he came in with it.
 Okay so back to sick people at Mass. Well for me I tend to not want to go to Mass for fear of getting sick from someone. I have been in other churches where they took the wine and put it in small chalices and you took the chalice, drank it and placed it in the holder. The only issue would be the adding of the water to the wine. It would have to be done before the wine was distributed into the small chalices. If this were done and the wine was in front of the priest when he prayed, it should be transferred to Christs Blood. Maybe this should be the common practice in all Catholic Churches to try and stop infection and all people may partake.

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