Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The 3 Days Of Darkness - Are They Coming ?

  Doomsday Apocalypse Smoke - Free photo on Pixabay


As I browse the internet I see all of the terrible things going on in this world. I see the news and I get sicker and sicker with people that seem to care more about their old ways and won't even wear a mask to possibly save someones life that you don't know. I see a President that would not tell the people of the United States exactly how deadly the Covid-19 Coronavirus actually is. Now we have seen over 250,000 people in the United States Die. I hear people say it's a hoax and it's all fake. The only conclusion I can come to is that many people have been blinded by Satan. 

 As I watch television I notice that there are many commercials that promote lesbianism and homosexuality by portraying these people in the ads. We will now have a new President that believes in abortion and a vise president that believes in full term abortion. We are moving definitely towards the return of Jesus Christ . How long can God the Father keep seeing all this and make a decision of destruction.

 I have talked with other non-Catholics and they feel that the Lord is coming very soon. If you pay attention to the Catholic Mystics, you will learn that the 3 Days Of Darkness are coming. Just know that before that happens there will be a sign in the Heavens of a huge Cross with the only light emanating from where the nails went through Christs wrists and feet. There will be no other light from the moon or stars.

 The 3 days of darkness according to the mystics will happen in the coldest part of the year. It will also before the new year happens. That kind of tells me that it may be right about Christmas. Now I do not know if it will happen this year, but then again, you never know. I have talked to my brother who is in a born again church and he does not know what the 3 days of darkness is. I have mentioned the name to him, so hopefully he will look into it.

 I myself have my 100% Beeswax Candles that have been blessed by our priest. These will bee the only thing that will burn during those 3 days. There will be demons roaming throughout the world killing all they find. If anyone goes outside of their house they will be killed immediately by deadly gasses. Make sure to lock your doors and windows and do not open the door for anyone. I have told my family of this and I can only pray that they listen and prepare.

 If you are interested in information on the 3 days of darkness visit my website at     https://chastisement3days.wixsite.com/catholic


Here are some links to a few excellent videos on the 3 days of darkness:

  1.  https://youtu.be/UY2XpUPmEuo
  2.  https://youtu.be/JsqmkpMt6O4
  3.  https://youtu.be/EIXGT7luR4A
  4.  https://youtu.be/yzlSqQR2TZw

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