Friday, July 23, 2021

Who Do I Believe - You Or Jesus ?

  As a Catholic, many times you will be confronted by a person of another faith. They will try to convince you or persuade you that you need to follow their church. I myself have gone through this many times in my life. There was even a time when I was in another church. My wife and I were married in the Pentecostal church. I followed what I was being taught and I even spewed out the garbage that they were preaching. I never denounced the Catholic Church, I just wasn't a practicing Catholic.

 Yes I used to try to use their tactics to convert people to their church. Fortunately the Holy Spirit showed me the truth and my wife and I left that church. After going to many different churches, we ended up in the Lutheran church. I did find that nobody spoke badly about any other faith. There did come a day when the Holy Spirit spoke to me again and we left Lutheran church. After searching through the history of religion, I did realize that the Catholic Church is the true Church and I came back. My wife and children all became Catholic.

 I do have family members in the so called born again churches and they are always trying to convert someone. In fact my younger brother was trying to convert my mother on her death bed. She was dying of congestive heart failure and was in much pain. She was not even coherent and could only moan or groan in pain. He was try to get her to accept Jesus as her personal savoir, as he felt she would go to Hell. My mother and I had many conversations about him and his trying to convert her. She was not very happy with him and I am sure she was telling him to shut up.

 So what do you do when they ask you if you are Born Again ? Well I would ask them to read and show you in the Bible where Jesus said this. They will go to where Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be Born Again to enter the kingdom of heaven. The problem is that they will go no further and ignore the rest of the chapter and verses. I would have the person then read all the chapter and verses.

 Then explain to them that Jesus says you must be born of water and spirit. Explain to them that this is Baptism. I would then tell them that I have two choices. I either choose to believe and follow them or I believe and follow what Jesus said. I choose to follow what Jesus says. 

 Yes there are many other ways that they may try to convert you. My advise is to purchase books on Catholic Apologetic s. Make sure they are books written by Catholic Authors. If they are not, you will get misinformation and scripture taken out of context. Yes they will ask you if you are saved and if you have accepted Jesus as your personal savior.    

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