Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Commercials For Homosexuality And Lesbianism, Transgenders Etc... What Is Going On With The World Today ?



 Every time I turn on the television these days all I see are commercials promoting Homosexuality and Lesbianism. What is going on with the world ? It seems as if Satan is trying to destroy the family by promoting these corrupt ideas. Now I have heard that the Pope said that these relationships are okay. What we need to hate is the sexual relationship that occurs between the two individuals. In other words hate the sin and not the sinner.

 Well I certainly do not hate the sinners, but I do not approve of these types of relationships. I have recently heard on the news that the schools are teaching these topics to children in grades from 1 to 12. This is Satan trying to work his way in and destroy the family. God created woman for man, so they could procreate and advance the fruit of the husband and wife. A man and a man can not create a child and a woman and woman can not create a child between themselves.

 I have seen other programs on transgenders, where a man wants to be a woman or a woman wants to be a man. They are also trying to teach this in the grades from 1 to 12. This needs to be stopped before it gets way out of control. What schools need to realize is that children need to be taught about God and his commandments. There are some politicians that are trying to do this. We need to stop Satan and put him back in the pit where he belongs.

 Abortion is another grave sin that needs to be stopped. I have seen on the news where people do not want the child, so they want to just abort it. They also want to abort the child in cases of rape and incest. This is horrible and is an abomination to God and needs to be stopped. The only time when the woman should be able to make a choice on abortion is if the woman's life is at stake, a medical reason or the fetus is already deceased and needs to be removed for the woman's health. Politicians  are are using this as a means to be elected.

 The final problem is the killing of innocent men, women and children. A person enters a school or business and opens fire. The person says they are just trying to prove a point. The political people are trying to ban the automatic weapons that these sick people use. Yes this may help, but if a person is hell bent on killing, they will just find another means. What we need to do is stop the reason for the person from killing before it gets to that point. The gun kills when the person holding it pulls the trigger. People need to change or get the help.

 Yes Jesus said we are to love one another, but that is not sexual love.

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