Friday, January 19, 2024

Beware Of The False Church And Those That Spread It



 Every Catholic Should Beware Of The False Church And Those That Spread It. I was baptized in the Holy Catholic Church and was raised in the Catholic Church and School. Yes in my teens I wandered and was not attending Mass regularly. I met my wife in my middle twenties and started going to the church she was attending. This was a Pentecostal church and I did not know much about it. I went for two reasons, one because I loved to be with her and two, because I was to learn more about Jesus. No, I never went down to the rail at the altar call to say their little prayer to accept Jesus as my personal savior. I went for more learning and understanding.

 Now I walked around telling people they need to be born again and say the prayer. My wife and I were married in that church and spent a few years there. One day a thought came into my head that my mother did not accept Jesus as her personal savior. She was therefore going to hell. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and I knew this was wrong. My mother had always believed that Jesus died on the cross to take away the sins of the world. I then realized that I had always believed this as well. I knew this was wrong and told my wife and we left that church.

 We searched around and went to various churches. The Catholic Church was was not in our path at the time. We finally ended up in the Lutheran church. It seemed to combine Catholic and Protestant. We were both happy and stayed there for quite a few years as our children were young. One day the pastor spoke and said that communion was just a symbol and not the body of Jesus. The Holy Spirit spoke to me again and I knew it was time to leave. I told my wife, she spoke to the pastor and she decided to leave as well.

 I did not want to search for a church, because I did not want the influence of any one church. I decided to search through the history of religion. I had a book on this from a born again friend years ago. My mother bought me a book from a garage sale called 30 years with Christ. I read where the author said there were so many different denominations, that one had to be right and the rest are wrong. The author said that you will find that these denominations say something different about the same subject. Only read books by Catholic Authors.

 They will claim that the Holy Spirit told them this. You know this is wrong, because the Holy Spirit is the mouthpiece for God. This would indicate that the Holy Spirit is lying or does not know what he is saying. Being that the Holy Spirit is the mouthpiece for God, this can not be true. So as I searched the history of religion, I found that I kept coming back to the Catholic Church. I read about the Early Church Fathers and what they believed and were doing. I found that some were directly associated with some of the Apostles. I knew they were doing what Jesus taught.

 That night I was flipping cable channels looking for something to watch. I came across EWTN, which was the Catholic channel. On it was a show called The Journey Home. It was about people that came from other churches and became Catholic, also people that came back to the Catholic Church. The person being interviewed was Scott Hahn. His main reason for becoming Catholic was due to The Holy Eucharist. I knew right then that I had to come back to the Catholic Church.

 I came back, my wife became Catholic and my 3 children became Catholic. I will never wander away from the Catholic Church again. Basically there are many different churches or denominations and they say different things about the same subject. The people in these churches will try to convert you to their church. They twist scripture for their own churches. They do not rad all of scripture, they only read what they want to fit their doctrines. Some of them can be very clever, for they are the wolves in sheep's clothing.

 This happening all over the world today. You will see it on television, in books, music and in politics. As I look at the various republicans running for president I find that many are fundamentalists. As I listen to them speak, I hear them spreading their incorrect fundamentalist beliefs. What you find is that Satan will try to sneak his way into everything.

 So realize that the only true Church is the Holy Catholic Church. The only Church started by God when Jesus gave Peter The Keys To The Kingdom. The Catholic Church is the only Church started by God, the rest are all started by men. Do not listen to them and do not let them convert you. Study the scripture and lean from Catholic Apologists and Catholic Authors. When they spew out their lies, correct them. 

 Thank You and God Bless.      

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