Sunday, January 18, 2015

Have You Talked With God Lately

                                          TALKING WITH GOD
I listen to people where I work and they don't seem to be very religious. They do generally make comments because I am Catholic. Although I have never really heard any of them say anything bad or negative against the Catholic Church. Yes you do get the occasional not understanding exactly what the Catholic Church teaches. I think it is the typical seeing with your eyes and making a judgement.I usually let the rude comments go in one ear and out the other. Then I say a prayer for them and keep going on my journey. I feel it is best to do what Jesus would have done. If someone does not want to listen just be on your way and never pressure someone, it will only drive someone away further.

                                                                  Holy Prayer                                                                                            by mariomusicmadness
  Okay back to the subject at hand. So do you ever talk with God. No I don't mean do you actually hear his voice just as when you are speaking with someone else. What I mean is do you get to a nice quiet place and speak from your heart. Although it does not necessarily have to be a quiet place. Sometimes I may be in my car and I start praying or just start talking with God. I am sure if anyone drives by and sees me they may be thinking I am talking with myself or singing with the radio. No there are many times when I feel I have to get something off my chest. It may be something I am upset with or I may be thanking God for something in my life such as my wife or children. Of course there are times when I feel I need to make a special request for something. That is usually special prayers for someone or some help that is needed. I know and believe that God always hears our prayers and he answers them in his own ways. Yes we do not always see his answers very clearly, but they do work out in the end.
  When you speak or pray to God do you ask for something or do you ask for something for someone else. As far as myself it can be either way. Yes I have prayed for financial help and yes it does not always come in the way I was thinking at the time. I do not really ask for financial riches, because I know that money is the root of all evils. I do believe what Jesus said that you can not serve to masters. I feel that sometimes when I speak to God it is because I am feeling stressed out about something. I have to tell you that afterwords I feel 100% better. It almost seems that when I do this it just pours out of me and I know it's right when I feel it is coming from my heart.
  There are many different places where I pray. It may be in the shower when I am getting ready for work. There are times when I go to bed at night and start praying when all is quiet. I can remember times looking out the bedroom window at night when all is very quiet and peaceful. It just makes me feel like I am talking to a very close friend. One time I will always remember is when I was deciding on whether or not to propose to my wife. I took a walk at night up to the playground and climbed on top of the wooden play fort. I sat there and looked up at the night sky full of stars and started praying. After I was done I knew I would propose marriage to my wife. I did a few days later and she said yes. It will be 31 years being married and it was the best thing that ever happened to me.
  I guess the point I am trying to get across is when you pray to God speak to him like you are talking to your best friend. He is always there and listening. He will be there one day when you enter his kingdom. I am certainly looking forward to him saying welcome my good friend.
  Thank You for reading and God Bless. 

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