Sunday, November 6, 2016

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged

  You know I remember a time when I was in the Assembly Of God Church and that is what I was doing. I was consistently judging everyone and everything. It also as if I forgot that all good things come from God. The change came when I judged my own mother and said she was going to Hell, because she did not say the little prayer and accept Jesus as her personal Savior. At that moment it hit me that wait a minute she believed the same things about Jesus that I did.
 Yes I stepped back and took a long hard look at where I was at in my faith journey. I realized that what I had been doing was not what Jesus taught. My wife and I made a decision to leave that church and find the place where we belonged. We went to numerous churches and ended up in the Lutheran Church. We spent quite a few years there as our children were growing up. I did make a decision once again that was associated with the Eucharist and ended up coming back to the Catholic Church.
 I do have family members in the Assembly Of God Churches and they do the same things that I was doing. They do not realize it at this time and continue to try and convert anyone to their faith. All I can really do is answer questions when possible and recommend various books to read. I do share various videos and things on facebook, but all I can do is pray for them.

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